Speaking Engagements


OCT. 10, 2022

“What is the Federal Role in Building Gateway?” - Debate at Columbia University

Apr. 28, 2022

“Federal Infrastructure Funding from a Bipartisan, Federalist Perspective”Transportation & Infrastructure Summit - NC Chamber, Event Speaker

“PEI Infrastructure Investor New York Forum” — Event Speaker

Nov. 16-17, 2021

“Can’t We just Fix the Damn Roads? Challenges of Infrastructure Policy Formation” — The Vecellio Distinguished Lecture, Virginia Tech

Oct. 29, 2021

“Brookings WashU Event Speaker”

July 21, 2021

“Fixing America’s Crumbling Infrastructure” — Brookings WashingtonU Speaker

June 7, 2021

apr. 27, 2021

“The Administration’s ‘New Dawn’ for Infrastructure” — Webinar

apr. 22, 2021

“Building to Recovery: America's New Playbook for Infrastructure”

Mar. 1, 2021

“Tailwinds for Infrastructure Finance Under the New Administration” — Webinar

Feb. 24, 2021

“Pandemics, Storms, and Recessions: Estimating and Mitigating Significant Revenue Risks” — TRB Workshop speaker

jan. 22, 2021

“The Year Ahead Deep Dive – What Will a Biden Administration Mean for Infrastructure?” — PEI Global Passport Panelist

Jan. 20, 2021

“The Future of American Infrastructure” — P3 Government Conference Panel

dec. 10, 2020

“Transformation Infrastructure” — Autonomy Institute Speaker

july 9, 2020

may 20, 2020

“Fixing America’s Infrastructure” — Private Equity International (PEI) Interview panel in NYC

dec. 4, 2019

Oct. 9, 2019

“Outlook for Infrastructure Investment in the U.S.” — MEGA Maryland, Baltimore, MD

Sep. 16, 2019

“A Perspective on Infrastructure Policy in the United States ” — Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment Delegation at George Mason University, Arlington, VA

Sep. 11, 2019

“A Perspective on Infrastructure Policy in the United States” — the World Bank Group, Washington, D.C.

JuLY 20, 2019

“Governing Summit on Infrastructure” — Pittsburgh, PA

“Infrastructure Reform Debate with WSP’s John Porcari” — Brookings Institution

June 18, 2019

“US P3 Inframation Panel, ‘An Overview of Current North American P3 Markets and Future Plans’” — Inframation Conference in NYC

june 11, 2019

“Surety and Fidelity Association Speaker” — The Future of Infrastructure in America

may 16, 2019

“P3 Policy and Delivery Leaders Summit” — Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C.

May 14-15, 2019

“Construction Industry Roundtable (CIRT) Spring Meeting, ‘Infrastructure Initiative’ Panelist”

may 1, 2019

“A Perspective on Infrastructure Policy in the United States ” — 2019 EY Infrastructure Capital Forum

Apr. 30, 2019

Apr. 12, 2019

“Infrastructure Policy Strategies in 2019” — Virginia Tech, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

“Outlook for Infrastructure Investment in the U.S.” — Columbia Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

Apr. 1, 2019

“Keynote Speaker at E&B Paving Inc. Annual Meeting”

feb. 26, 2019

“Panel host for Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program Council Event Held at the Newseum”

jan. 31, 2019

“One Federal Decision and Other Advances for Infrastructure” — Transportation Research Board

Jan. 16, 2019

Jan. 7, 2019

“The Future of Infrastructure Policy” — Texas Transportation Forum

Nov. 27, 2018

“A New Phase for Public-Private Partnerships” — The P3 Federal Conference

“DJG is the keynote speaker at the 10th Annual Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP Real Estate Conference”

nov. 8, 2018

“The Trump Infrastructure Plan” — Association for the Management and Operations of Transportation Infrastructure Assets 10th Annual Conference

Oct. 2, 2018

“Overview of Trump Infrastructure Plan & Prepare for the Future” — Southern Atlantic State Highway Transportation Officials Annual Meeting and Trade Show

Aug. 7, 2018

July 17, 2018

“A Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Plan: If Not Now, When?” — Floridians for Better Transportation 2018 Transportation Summer Camp

Inframation Conference in NYC

june 12, 2018

“DJG presenter at the Global I & CP Summit: US Infrastructure” — The Path Forward from Here

Apr. 24, 2018

“Madrus, LLC set aside as DJG works for the White House Special Assistant to the President for Infrastructure, National Economic Council” — WSJ event with Rahm Emanuel

Apr. 12, 2017